
Section 1. At the regular meeting held in January, a Nominating Committee of three members shall be elected by the members. It shall be the duty of this committee to nominate candidates for the offices to be filled at the annual meeting in April. The Nominating Committee shall report at the regular meeting in March and in the March issue of the newsletter. Before the election at the annual meeting, additional nominations from the floor shall be permitted.

Section 2. Selection of Officers - In the event a vacancy occurs in the office during its term, the general membership shall elect a person as successor at a special election held at the next current regular meeting.

Officers must be members of the Corporation. These officers shall be elected by majority vote at the Annual meeting and shall serve for a term of one year or until a successor has been duly elected and installed.

Section 3. President - The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation and shall exercise supervision over the activities and operations of the Corporation. He/she shall preside at all meetings at which he/she is present, including meetings of the Board of Directors. Except for the nominating committee, he/she shall appoint all committees and shall serve as a member ex officio of same.

Section 4. Vice-President - The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President during his absence, serve as the single point of contact to software vendors and perform such other duties as directed by the Board of Directors.

Section 5. Secretary - The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all regular or special meetings of the Corporation and the Board of Directors. These minutes shall be retained in the files of the Corporation and shall be an official, accurate and permanent record of all business transacted at these meetings. As directed, the Secretary shall prepare official correspondence on behalf of the Corporation. He/she shall be the official keeper of all Corporate Records and files and shall deliver them to his/her successor. He/she shall keep the Seal of the Corporation.

Section 6. Treasurer - The Treasurer shall receive all funds, deposit and keep them in a financial institution selected and approved by the Board of Directors. He/she shall be responsible for the filing of all tax returns for federal, state and local taxes. He/she shall keep an accurate record of all money received and expended, and shall regularly report to the membership on the financial status of the Corporation. He/she shall serve without bond. At least quarterly, he/she shall submit an itemized statement of receipts and expenditures to the Board of Directors, together with written statements of funds on deposit. At the expiration of his/her term, he/she shall deliver all records and monies belonging to the Corporation to his/her successor.

Section 7. Journal Editor or Co-editors - The editor(s) shall be responsible for obtaining articles for The Journal, and shall publish The Journal. The editor(s) shall also be responsible for obtaining advertisements for The Journal.

Section 8. Club Webmaster - The Webmaster will be responsible for the creation and maintenance of the club's website on the Internet World Wide Web.

Section 9. Club Membership - The Club Membership will be responsible for the maintenance of the membership database, and undertaking such other duties as are assigned by the Board of Directors.

Section 10. Delegation of responsibilities - Each officer may, with the approval of the Board of Directors, appoint one or more assistants, and delegate specific responsibilities to the assistant(s). Such assistants may be given suitable titles. The assistants shall not serve on the Board of Directors, except when substituting for the principal officer on the occasion of his/her absence.